Pharmaceutical inserts: Primabrite and Primapharm in response to the new European directive

Since February 2011, a new European directive regarding pharmaceutical instructions has come into effect. It asks laboratories to adopt new instruction legibility rules for any new medication entering the market or where the instructions are subject to review.

Reviews occur on average every 3 years, so all products should be affected in the medium term. Specifically, this directive involves increasing the size of the characters to a minimum of 9 points (compared with 8 until then), putting the titles in bold or increasing the line spacing.

To support their clients with this development, Bolloré Thin Papers has adapted solutions with its devoted Primabrite and Primapharm ranges. The European number 1 in this market, which represents 25% of its turnover, Bolloré Thin Papers produces thin papers enabling the weight of the instructions to be considerably reduced. This is done while preserving the qualities of opacity and brilliant whiteness. The company also continues to develop its ranges with the notable development of a 35g/m² paper in 2010.

With a sales forecast for 2011 of over 34 000 tonnes, since 2010 the company has a machine and sheeter devoted to the production of pharmaceutical insert papers at its Papeteries des Vosges site. Moreover, there are two machines which provide possible support at the Papeteries du Léman site.

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