biodiversity audit

Biodiversity is the natural diversity of living organisms (ecosystems, species, population and genes…).
The balance in biodiversity is up against several threats (destruction, fragmentation, a change in habitats, the introduction of new species, excessive exploitation of species, pollution, and a change in the climate).

Within the framework of its policy of sustainable development, biodiversity is a major issue for Bolloré Thin Papers. Thanks to the Audit Biodiversité® (Biodiversity Audit) carried out by Gondwana and PwC in 2012, we know the biodiversity profile of Papeteries du Léman based on three criteria: the aspect and proximity of the site with regard to biodiversity; the disruption of the site’s activity on biodiversity; and the site’s dependence on ecological services.

The risks and opportunities were also analysed. After this assessment, we now have a clear vision of ours links with biodiversity and will be able to develop and implement an action plan to reduce our impact.