
Since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and the signing of the Agreement on Biodiversity, reducing the loss is further is now a focused objective of international meetings and is being implemented in national strategies.

As the leader in the creation and manufacture of thin paper - opaque papers whose lighter weights are inherently better for the environment than heavier papers - Bolloré Thin Papers is the first paper manufacturer to undertake a Life Cycle Assessment.

Our Geneva-based Paper Mill is located in an urban-industrial environment in the town of Publier. The mill itself covers 155,283m2  of which 31,747m2 is built-up, 7 030m2 parking with a further 116,506m2  allocated as Greenbelt.
Bolloré Thin Papers actually began manufacturing on the site in 1911.

Paper making is a resource-intensive process. Its production involves pulp from trees, energy, water, minerals and chemicals, and produces waste and by-products that can damage the environment.
That’s why making and using paper in a manner that places the needs of our planet first is so vital.